Showing off Your Series: Series List

This entry is part 10 of 30 in the series, Organize Series Usage Tips

This series is no longer available on because I’ve moved all posts related to this plugin to the new home at You can read about the move here and here.

Series NavigationSeries Options Page: Series Table of Contents Template
  1. I couldn’t get the ‘current-series’ class to appear, as it seems the ‘get_queried_object_id’ call always returned zero.

    I switched it to a call to ‘$wp_query->get(‘series’)’ and then compared against the slug (instead of the id) in the walk_series_tree function. Works fine now.

  2. Does anyone know if there’s a way to convert from InSeries to this plugin instead? InSeries is no long supported and does not work in WP2.7, yet my client wants to upgrade.


  3. Hi there. Thanks for a fantastic plugin.

    I am new at this and I am almost there for the sort of basic stuff I would like to do. Please see

    I can’t get the Most Recent Series widget to show more than one of the series I have already. As you can see, on the right hand side, the other widget shows the two series that I have.

    1. How can I get the Most Recent Series widget to display more than one entry?

    2. As I add more and more series, how will I be able to control the number of series appearing in the Series widget (i.e. if I wanted to limit the display to 5 for example).

    I did read all your pages but I am afraid all the coding stuff is beyond my reach.
    Can you please help in layman’s terms?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hi,

    Working with your series plugin and widget — have found something odd in that the widget displays the series title, and the number of posts in that series, but if you click the title it displays all posts EXCEPT those marked as belonging to the series.

    Am I missing something??


    1. Hi Lisa,
      That is certainly not the way the widget should be working. Sometime in the next two weeks I plan on have a “work day” for plugin to get a new version pushed out (a lot of things have piled up along with feature requests…) and I’ll see if I can reproduce your problem. If I can reproduce I’ll include a fix.

  5. Hi again Darren,

    This might have been caused by my upgrade to wp 2.8

    Just another thought. Also, is there a way to easily purge the column in the database you use for the plugin? THat might be a good place to start 😀

    Have a great one!


    1. The only column Organize Series adds to the WordPress database is used for storing Series-Icon specific information. The rest is integrated with the WordPress taxonomy system. So, no – purging that column won’t fix it.

      Also, I’m unable to reproduce the problem you are suggesting (I’m using OrgSeries 2.0.8 on WP 2.8.2). I left the widget active on this blog so you can see.

      I thought this reported problem sounded similar and so I checked the Organize Series Support Forums and sure enough there are others who’ve had similar problems.

      Check the following to find possible fixes:

      I also remember there being something about this in the comments on one of the Organize Series pages…but I don’t have the time to read through all the comments (which is another reason why I try to push all support related stuff onto the support forums).

      I suspect your problem is related to the theme you are using and/or a conflict with another plugin so that is where you’d want to check if your problem isn’t solved by the forum posts.

      If you have further questions or want to address this problem further please post in the Organize Series Support Forums so it makes it easier for me to track bugs/feature requests etc. AND help others find solutions. Thanks!

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Up Next:

Organize Series 2.0.7 released

Organize Series 2.0.7 released